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Better word counts and reading time in Eleventy (11ty)


I recently [switched to using Eleventy](/2023/10/27/switched-to-eleventy/) to generate my blog. As part of this process, I needed to implement word counts for each of my posts. I made my own plugin for this as I was unable to find an existing one that met my requirements - they either used regex to parse HTML or included non-text like scripts and code snippets in the count.

I recently switched to using Eleventy to generate my blog. As part of this process, I needed to implement word counts for each of my posts. I made my own plugin for this as I was unable to find an existing one that met my requirements - they either used regex to parse HTML or included non-text like scripts and code snippets in the count.

The below code should work with any template engine, including Liquid and Nunjucks.

What exactly is a word? #

First of all, we need to work out exactly how we are going to count words.

A word is a unit of prose or writing. We need to make sure we exclude code snippets and scripts from the word count.

A naive approach would be to split text by spaces and count all the parts. However, this misses words that are joined together like “Dog/Cat”. Another approch would be to split text by all punctuation, but this would count words like “self-hosting” as two words.

To validate my word counter, I made a page where I dumped all the detected words from a post. I used this to refine the list of delimators.

Counting words #

Dependencies #

You need to install JSDom:

npm install --save jsdom

.eleventy.js #

In the eleventy config, you need to add our new plugin:

const pluginWordcount = require("./plugins/wordcount.js");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
    // You can only have one module.exports in a configuration file,
    // so make sure you add the above line to your existing one.

wordcount.js plugin #

This is the file for the plugin. It contains extractText to get all the text from HTML, and countWords to count the words in a piece of text.

const { UserConfig } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");

const TO_STRIP = [
    "pre code",

function extractText(html) {
    const dom = new JSDOM(html);
    const document = dom.window.document;

    // Remove non-text elements
    document.querySelectorAll(TO_STRIP.join(", ")).forEach(child => child.remove());

    return document.body.textContent;

const cache = {};

function countWords(value) {
    if (cache[value]) {
        return cache[value];

    const result = extractText(value)
        .map(x => x.trim())
        // Word is non-empty with at least one letter or number
        .filter(x => x.match(/.*[a-z0-9].*/i))

    cache[value] = result;
    return result;

module.exports = eleventyConfig => {
    eleventyConfig.addFilter("wordcount", countWords);

Inside post layout #

Here’s how you might use the wordcount filter inside a post layout that uses liquid:

{% assign wordcount = content | wordcount %}

{{ wordcount | divided_by: 238 | round }} min read
({{ wordcount }} words)

Unit tests #

As a bonus, here’s the unit tests I used when writing the word counter:

const { describe } = require("mocha");
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { count } = require("./wordcount");

const parameterisedTests = {
    "empty": {
        html: "",
        expected: 0,

    "just symbols": {
        html: ". . -//!\"$%^&*()\\`",
        expected: 0,

    "single word paragraph": {
        html: "<p> Hey! </p>",
        expected: 1,

    "punctuation": {
        html: "<p>Hello world! This is a test, of the word/counter</p>",
        expected: 10,

    "strips scripts": {
        html: `
            <p>Hello world! This is a test, of the word/counter</p>
                alert("Hello world!")
        expected: 10,

    "strips code blocks": {
        html: `
            <p>Hello world! This is a test, of the word/counter</p>
                    alert("Hello world!")
        expected: 10,

    "strips inline code": {
        html: `
            <p>Hello world! This is a <code>test</code>, of the word/counter</p>
        expected: 9,

    "strips heading anchors": {
        html: `
            <h2>A heading</h2>
            <a class="header-anchor">1</a>
            <p>Hello world! One two</p>
        expected: 6,

    "counts numbers but not symbols": {
        html: `
            <p>Hello world! You are 26.0 today - or so</p>
        expected: 8,

    "words can contain hyphens": {
        html: `
            <p>Hello world! One-two three</p>
        expected: 4,

describe("countWords", () => {
    Object.entries(parameterisedTests).forEach(([key, data]) => {
        it(key, () => {
rubenwardy's profile picture, the letter R

Hi, I'm Andrew Ward. I'm a software developer, an open source contributor, and a graduate from the University of Bristol. I’m a core developer for Minetest, an open source voxel game engine.


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