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My favourite articles of 2024

1 min read (261 words)


I read a lot of articles about programming and technology as a way of keeping up with the industry and expanding my knowledge. Here are some articles I read in 2024 that I recommend reading. 2024 was a busy year for me so I didn't read as much as in previous years. But still, here's my top articles.

I read a lot of articles about programming and technology as a way of keeping up with the industry and expanding my knowledge. Here are some articles I read in 2024 that I recommend reading.

2024 was a busy year for me so I didn’t read as much as in previous years. But still, here’s my top articles.

Artificial Insanity #

The craze over plagarism machines continues for another year. This first article is incredibly well written and conveys my distaste in AI quite well. I feel like the entire world has gone mad. This article is written by a data scientist with a lot of experience with machine learning.

This second article talks about a more specific issue with AI: the quality of code it produces. AI regularly produces inaccessible and obscure code that looks correct.

Tech #

I found that this article reasonated with me and made for a good read.

An interesting look into Google search.

Blogging #

This article has a lot of ideas for things to do with your personal website. I found it interesting and even did a few of them!

Conclusion #

I hope you found some articles worth reading. What were your favourite reads last year? Feel free to send article suggestions you think I might like.

Cover Image © Engin Akyurt

rubenwardy's profile picture, the letter R

Hi, I'm Andrew Ward. I'm a software developer, an open source maintainer, and a graduate from the University of Bristol. I’m a core developer for Luanti, an open source voxel game engine.


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