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How to find backlinks using Eleventy (11ty)


I recently [switched to using Eleventy](/2023/10/27/switched-to-eleventy/) to generate my blog. Because Eleventy is very easy to extend, I was able to add more features to my blog - including backlinks.

I recently switched to using Eleventy to generate my blog. Because Eleventy is very easy to extend, I was able to add more features to my blog - including backlinks.

In a post’s sidebar, there is a list of other posts that link to the current post. This is an effective way to allow readers to find related content.

To implement this, I created a small plugin that adds a filter to find which items in a collection link to the given URL. To find links in HTML, I used the JSDom library.

Whilst there are existing backlink plugins, they didn’t meet my purposes. eleventy-plugin-backlinks, for example, only finds links made using wikilinks-style markup (ie: [[Other Post Name]])). I wanted backlinks to work with any link in a post - whether the post is markdown, HTML, or something else.

The below code should work with any template engine, including Liquid and Nunjucks.

Dependencies #

You need to install JSDom:

npm install --save jsdom

.eleventy.js #

In the eleventy config, you need to add our new plugin:

const pluginBacklinks = require("./plugins/backlinks.js");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
    // You can only have one module.exports in a configuration file,
    // so make sure you add the above line to your existing one.

This is the file for the plugin. It contains getLinks to extract links from HTML and a plugin function to register a filter.

const { UserConfig } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");

const hostname = "";
const cache = {};

 * Extract links from html, not including hash parts
function getLinks(html) {
    if (cache[html]) {
        return cache[html];

    const dom = new JSDOM(html);
    const document = dom.window.document;

    const result = new Set([...document.querySelectorAll("a[href]")]
        .map(x => {
            let href = x.getAttribute("href");

            // Normalise internal links
            const url = new URL(href, `https://${hostname}`);
            if (url.hostname == hostname) {
                return url.pathname;

            url.hash = "";
            return url.toString();
    cache[html] = result;
    return result;

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
    eleventyConfig.addFilter("links_to", async function(collection, target) {
        return collection.filter(item => getLinks(item.content).has(target));

Inside post layout #

This is how you use the links_to filter to get backlinks inside a post layout that uses liquid:

{% assign backlinks = | links_to: page.url %}
<!-- An empty list isn't false-y in Eleventy liquid -->
{% assign backlinks_count = backlinks | size %}
{% if backlinks_count > 0 %}
    <aside id="backlinks">
        <h3>Links here</h3>
            {%- for post in backlinks -%}
                    <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ }}</a>
            {%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
rubenwardy's profile picture, the letter R

Hi, I'm Andrew Ward. I'm a software developer, an open source contributor, and a graduate from the University of Bristol. I’m a core developer for Minetest, an open source voxel game engine.


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